
The well-being of our parish is the concern and responsibility of every member of the parish. It can only thrive if we support it ...we the young, the not so young, the single, the married, those with children, those without children, the retired. We all share. We are all stewards of God's goodness. We have so much to be proud of, and grateful for!

Our Lady of the Lakes is moving to a new online giving platform, PushPay, we encourage you to use the link below to set up your recurring gift. Please note, if you have a recurring gift on GiveCentral, you will need to manually end the recurring gift on GiveCentral and set up a new gift on PushPay.

To cancel your recurring gift on GiveCentral log into your account, and locate your gift. Then, click the orange action button and select “delete.” It will ask you to confirm that you want to delete your “event”, and select “ok.”

To create your new gift in PushPay please head to and enter a recurring gift amount into the “Weekly Giving” fund. You will be prompted to make an account, just like on GiveCentral, please create your account and verify your email and then enter your payment information to create your gift.

If you have any questions please contact our parish office at 847-587-2251.

"Let me say this much: he who sows sparingly reaps sparingly, he who sows bountifully, reaps bountifully." (2Cor. 9:6)